Monday, November 16, 2009

Learning Journey : Little India Heritage Tour, 13/11/09

Photos taken during our Learning Journey to Little India.

I had taken some photos last year with my class to the same learning journey.
Click here for more photos.

Little India trademark - Dhobi Place or also known as Laundry Place. Surprisingly, it is still available today. The only difference is that, it is a self-service. You have to do your own laundry for a small fee using the machine instead of handwash.

Experiencing wet market at Tekka Wet Market.

Break time at Tekka Food Centre. Some had prata for breakfast.

Flower shop selling flower garlands for beutifying themselves and praying purpose.

4J girls with their nicely painted henna hands.

Demonstration on how Sarees are worn by Indian Ladies.
Indian Uncle selling sweet delicacies and crackers.

Little India Arcade

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Learning Journey : Science Centre, Omnimax Theatre

Date : 10/11/09, Tuesday
To : Science Centre, Omnimax Theatre
Expected time of arrival back to ATS : 12noon

Things to bring:
- Story book

-Hand book
- Pencil Case
- Simple snack
- Water

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Social Studies : Thaipusam

As mentioned in class earlier today, click on the links to find out more about Thaipusam.

What is Thaipusam?

Pictures on its procession

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Clarification Of Examination Matters

Dear all,

This post is created specifically for you to post any query you have while doing your revision.
DO NOT post your problem in CBox as I might not be able able to track all questions asked by you. From Tuesday till Friday, I will only be able to check this blog at night as the PSLE Marking Exercise will only end in the late evening. So, I might not be able to answer your query immediately.

If any of you are able to help to clarify doubts that your friends are facing, feel free to do so. However, I will also check to ensure the problems have been correctly answered by your peers.


Do take note of that the whole of next week is a school holiday.

Monday = Off-in-lieu for Deepavali
Tuesday till Friday = PSLE Marking Days

No homework was given to you on Friday. Do take the holiday to do serious revision at home.
For those who had forgotten about the Exam Dates, do click here.

Feel free to clarify any queries if you have through this blog.

Happy Learning :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

E-Learning : Social Studies Discussion


In Singapore, basically, we have 4 different race groups – Indians, Chinese, Malay and Eurasians. Each of these race groups has their own set of customs and practices which they will carry out.
(a) Choose one race group and explain what is their custom and practices like.
You may write in point form. Do not type exactly the same as what its shown on your book.

(b) Name the traditional costumes worn by each race group. Select one which you would like to wear and explain why.

Reflect your answers in this blog by posting in the comments section.

E-Learning Day, 8/10/09 (Thursday)

Remember to log on to Lead website by 8am.
Do complete all assignments assigned to you by 11.30am.
There is no particular order on how you should complete your assignment but you are required to complete all.
If you have completed, the online assignments, use this time to complete your Mathematics Practice Paper 1.
You need not be in front of your computer all the time. You can take short breaks in between assignments.

We will have online discussions on Social Studies - Topic 4 (Customs and Costumes of Our Multi-Racial Society) after your home recess break at 10am. Do read up the topic before reflecting on it.
A new post will be created here in our class blog for the purpose.
Do not start posting about the topic before 9.30am.

If you have trouble logging into Lead, do update me through this post or C-box. :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Video : Strangers In Moscow

This is shared by Valentin Khoo. I think Valentin is a fan of Michael Jackson :)

You need to click the link to see the video. It can be seen from this blog.

Video : Strangers In Moscow

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Happy 44th Birthday Singapore

How did you celebrate Singapore's Birthday?
Anyone of you were lucky enough to get tickets to watch the parade live from Marina Bay?

Do give some reflection on the above mentioned questions.
Here are some photos taken on Friday, 7/8/09.
Some were not in class as they had duties to perform, so you will not see some of your friends here.

National Costume Competition - Our friends hard at work to dress our model from 4J

Friday, July 3, 2009

School Holiday - Youth Day

Hi all,
Monday, 6/7/09, is Youth Day, so it will be a school holiday.
School will resume on Tuesday, 7/7/09.

Do remember to get one pupil to collect Littel Red Dot every Tuesday.
Do remind our class attendance monitor to submit absentees list to the General office daily.

July Babies

Hi all,
Happy Birthday To July Babies.
If I am not wrong, Amelia is one of our July Babies.
Anyone else in this list?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Precautionary Measures to take before School Starts - 29/6/09

Hi all,

School will start next week, Monday, 29/6/09.
There are some areas you need to take note.

(1) Ensure you print the latest Travel Declaration Form from our school website.
The file name to print is Travel Declaration Form(student).doc
You need to have this with you before you come to school on Monday, 29/6/09, even if you did not travel during the holidays.
Ensure this form is signed by your parents.

(2) If you just came back from your holidays from the effected H1N1 countries on or after 22/6/09, you will be issued Leave of Absence (LOA), 7 days upon returning to Singapore. You will only attend school after the 7 days period. Rest assure, you will not miss any lesson in school and I will provide you with additional help in your studies if you need it.

Take note of the affected countries as of 23/6/09:
Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, Dominican Republic, Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Panama, Philippines, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States of America.

I will be calling up your parents regarding this matter.

For those of you who are reading this post, do inform me through this blog if you are able to print the Travel Declaration at home. You may get help from your parents to print it at their office if you are unable to do so at home. If both of these options are not possible, the school will send the form through post.

If you had taken back your thermometer before the holidays, do remember to bring it back on Monday.

For any clarification, do email or use this blog for communication.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Books needed for Semester 2

Hi all,

I am very sure most of you are still enjoying your holidays.
One more week and the new term will start.

Please remember to get these books ready for Semester 2. They are :

  • Mathematics Text Book and Activity Boook 4B
  • English Text Book and Activity Book 4B
  • Science : Engery Textbook and Activity Book
  • Social Studies Text Book and Activity Book 4B

If you still do not have the compelete set of the above books, please do get them from Popular Bookstore before the start of the term. If you wish to purchase it from our school bookshop, do get the books on the first day of school.

See you around in a week time.

Friday, June 5, 2009

June Babies

Hi all,
I had almost forgotten about our June Babies.
Unfortunately, I do not have the list with me now.
Any of you know who are our June Babies?
Do add in to this post here by writing in the comment.
To whoever you are, "Happy Birthday to You!!!" :)

Friday, May 22, 2009

One More Week

I am sure all of you are extremely happy that examinatins period is over. :)
Well, you have already know your result.
Do continue to work hard. For those of you who had not done well, Do not give up.

Next week will be the last week for the term. After that you will enjoy about a month of holidays in June.

Do not forget to bring your Travel Declaration Form on Monday.
Even if you are not going anywhere, you are still required to submit the form.

On Tuesday, please remember to bring your EZ-link card for the replacement exercise. Do remember to have the required amount in the card.

See all of you on Monday.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May Babies

Happy Birthday to all May Babies of 4J:
  • Gladys
  • Ayano
  • Esme
  • Jason
  • Chonghui
  • Rachel
  • Karen

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

School Holiday, Off-in-lieu for Vesak Day

Monday, 11th of May is a school holiday.
It is for Vesak Day holiday (off-in-lieu) which falls on Saturday, 9th of May.

School week will resume on Tuesday, 12th of May.
Examinations will start on Wednesday, 13th of May.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sports Day : Friday, 24/4/09

Things to take note for this Friday Sports Day.
  • No lesson for the day.
  • Report school as per normal.
  • School bus will bring all of you to Toa Payoh Stadium. (Pupils are not allowed to report to the stadium)
  • You will be back at school by 12.30pm. You will be dismissed from Ai Tong School and NOT the stadium. (Parents are not allowed to fetch you from the stadium)
  • Bring sufficient plain water.
  • Simple meal for your recess (Sandwiches or biscuits)
  • Umbrella or cap
  • Story book for silent reading.
  • A small bag to keep all the above items.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Reflection : International Friendship Day & Visit to the Organic Farm

This week is a busy week for all of us.
Yesterday, Monday (13/4), we had visited our Organic Farm. I am quite sure you could remember how big our Cucumber Plant was. Too bad, I did not have my camera along with me. Will try and take some photos during our next visit. Will update when it will be in due time.

I know some of you were involved in planting the chili plant. You had a chance to be a "farmer" when you tried to dig a hole. How was the feeling being a "farmer"?
Some of you managed to harvest the cucumber. The cucumbers were big and juicy right.

All of you were also involved in taking care of our booth for International Friendship Day. Our booth was for the country of Malta. You were in-charge of the language game that we had. Any interesting encounter you had? We also managed to visit the other booth today.

I would like to hear your comments on these 2 activities we had.

Link : Earth Day Related Activities

22nd of April is Earth Day.
All of us should do our part to save the planet that we are living - The Earth.

Human play a major part to the happenings around us.

Here are some online activities that you can play and at the same time be more aware about Our Earth. :)

Link 1 (Word Search)

Link 2 (Hangman)

Link 3 (Scrambling of Pictures)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Videos : Human Systems

Muscular System

Skeletal System

Circulatory System

Respiratory System

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Babies

Happy Birthday To :
Li Song and Sharmain

Digestive System

This is the link for the clip which you had watched yesterday.

Below is another clip of digestive system.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Life Cycle of Plant : Day 16

This is how the plant look like.
It seems to have a weak stem. I need to put a small stick so that the stem has a support.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Earth Hour, 28/3/2009, Saturday

Remember what I had mentioned in class yesterday.
Tomorrow, 28th of March is Earth Hour.
From 8.30 - 9.30 pm, do your part and vote for Earth by swtiching off your lights for one hour.

I hope during Earth Hour, you will not log on to the computer and check this blog. :)
I also hope I do not see any comments during this hour.

To find out more about Earth Hour, click the link below.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Taiwan Link-Up

These are the 2 websites which I had showed earlier today.

For the 10 pupils involved, do look at the website to know more about their project.

Active Greenlife - TaChu Village Green Map> > > > Far-reaching world of broadcasting -The Broadcasting Corporation of China(BCC)> >

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Meet-Parents Session : 28th March 2009

Please take note of the following arrangement for this Saturday.

Group A
Register Number 1 - 20
8.30 - 10 am : Briefing by Principal in the Hall
10 - 12 noon : Meet the teachers (D31)

Group B
Register Number 21 - 40
8.30 - 10 am : Meet the teachers (D31)
10 - 12 noon : Briefing by Principal in the Hall

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Away on Monday and Tuesday - 23/3 & 24/3

Hi all,

I will be away for a course on Monday and Tuesday. The first day and second day of school.
I have already assigned work for all of you to do during these 2 days. Ensure that follow the instructions that will be given by your relief teacher.

Please do not bring your plant to school on these 2 days. If you want to show it to me, bring it on Wednesday.

I will check for parents' signature on your CA's paper on Wednesday.

Life Cycle of Plant : Day 7

I took the photos of the seedling twice in a day.
I realised there is a difference in its height.

Taken on Day 7 in the morning (10.30 am)

Taken on Day 7 at night (about 11.30om)

Notice the difference in height?
Wow! Within a span of 12 hours, there is a difference in its height.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Life Cycle of Plant : Day 6

Hey Look!!!
My seedling is no longer a lazy seedling :)
It is listening to is standing up right now ...hehehe

Life Cycle of Plant : Day 5

Look at my seedling?????
Can I call this a lazy seedling?? :) It refuses to "stand up straight"

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Life Cycle of Plant : Day 4

Taken on Day 4.
Can you locate the roots?