Wednesday, October 7, 2009

E-Learning Day, 8/10/09 (Thursday)

Remember to log on to Lead website by 8am.
Do complete all assignments assigned to you by 11.30am.
There is no particular order on how you should complete your assignment but you are required to complete all.
If you have completed, the online assignments, use this time to complete your Mathematics Practice Paper 1.
You need not be in front of your computer all the time. You can take short breaks in between assignments.

We will have online discussions on Social Studies - Topic 4 (Customs and Costumes of Our Multi-Racial Society) after your home recess break at 10am. Do read up the topic before reflecting on it.
A new post will be created here in our class blog for the purpose.
Do not start posting about the topic before 9.30am.

If you have trouble logging into Lead, do update me through this post or C-box. :)


  1. i agree that raicial harmony is very important as we will not fight

  2. i agree with cyz. racial harmony is very important. look at the japanese. they are so polite! but why did they start the war?

  3. mdm suriana, i can't do the chinese homework as my laptop doesn't have chinese language

  4. some error found in the math review 1 section B Q2-it should be 3m not 3cm

  5. mdm Suriana,why the dates shown on the blog posts are 7th Oct 09?
